Heather Turner

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About Me...

Activator and Ascension Guide.

Pioneer of Consciousness. Navigator of Universal Intelligence.

Vedic Leader. Leading from the Field of Unity.

“Love is the universal solvent.” ~ Dr. Sue Morter

“Love is the universal solvent.” ~ Dr. Sue Morter

Embracing the Truth that WE ARE ENERGY.

  • Transcendental Meditation® - Yogic Flying Siddha, Vedic Leader

  • Holy Fire III® Karuna Reiki® Master

  • Certified Facilitator of the Energy Codes and BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique (Spiritual B.E.S.T.) by Dr. Sue Morter

  • Huna TA KA URU

Since early 2011, TM has brought so much joy, peace and stillness into my being.  It has served to cultivate the merging of mind, body and soul.

The game changing teachings of embodiment (often referred to as enlightenment or ascension process) by Dr. Sue Morter through her Energy Codes course work has rapidly accelerated the revealing of deep wisdom and truths in my life. Embodiment is the weaving, or landing of our full conscious awareness into our physical being. This creates a reality of wholeness, the feeling of being complete, rather than compensating for anywhere we may previously have felt lack. The impact is beyond words as I constantly expand and anchor newfound aspects of my being. This is what we came for. It is my great joy to share the journey of revealing the truth of who we are and our innate capacity with others.

Huna TA KA URU. This is the Lemurian vibration of my soul essence. Light in Action. We all have a unique light in action, and as we come to know it, we understand the ‘mechanics’ of what our soul has to offer in the creation of the New Earth reality. My light in action is like a galactic FedEx delivery woman, divine birther, and crystalline consciousness -- all working together in service to divine will. With the capacity to access the organic stargates on the ‘entering and returning’ of the quantum field, I assist you in birthing anew into your true authentic soul expression.

The Human Experience

  • Former owner Private Clinical Research Facility - 17 years research experience

  • Certified Integrative Nutrition Health and Wellness Coach

Fascinated by health and wellness from the time I was a child, I have devoted my life to the study of the human experience.

Lover of the Stars + Science

Perhaps it started with the Young Astronaut Club in grade school, for I have always had an affinity to look up at the night sky.  My interest in all things earth, space, science (physics + chemistry) and arithmetic is never ending.  A book worm and lover of knowledge, I continue to explore the wonders of quantum science.

World Traveler - Explorer

 Travel around the world has enriched my awareness with perspective, unconditionality, appreciation and immense joy! Experiencing different cultures and aspects of mother nature enlivens the value that everyone and everything is here with something to offer.